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How to "export" a typeface with specific OTF features

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Dear All
There is an easy way to "export" a typeface with a particular set of OTF features?

My use case is: I would like to utilize certain OTF features (e.g., Slashed Zero, OT Tabular Lining Figures) in an application that does not permit selecting advanced features. Therefore, I wonder if it is possible to generate a font variation with the specific features I need.

I suppose some tools exist to open an OTF font, select the required features and save it as a "custom" variant. I am using macOS.

I appreciate your support in advance.




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Ralf Herrmann

The Fontsquirrel Generator allows this. Keep in mind that most commercial EULAs don’t allow font modifications and that fonts aren’t really meant to be decompiled and compiled again. Chances are, you break something else while doing such conversions.

So, often it is the best solution to ask the original foundry to create a custom version from the source files.

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