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How to find fonts with Music Flat Sign

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I'm looking for a title font containing the Music Flat Sign. Would love Placard or similar. If you have suggestions, please feel free.

My question is: how do I find fonts containing a specific symbol? The flat sign for example.

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Great video! That worked fine for free fonts, but at myfont.info I couldn't find the advanced search. Seems they changed the design since your video. Would you have a look over there and see if you can find that?

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Riccardo Sartori

Unfortunately, search features over at MyFonts seem to worsen every time, and searching for a specific glyph appears to be gone.

For the first question, it would be very unlikely, because of the two very different intended uses. Even if the glyph is present, the risk is it will still look out of place anyway (like stock symbols such as ℮).

It also depends on where you need it: on the web, even if it's not in the font, it will be substituted with a font that has it (see: ♭). For other uses, an option would be to create it rotating upright an italic b of a suitable weight and size from the same family of your chosen typeface.

As a last resort, after a quick look, I noticed there are Japanese system typefaces that contain ♭ and have bold condensed Latin letters.

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