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What is the font used in both the text "EVA" and these stenciled numbers from Evangelion?

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I see this from many official merches of Evangelion ranging from PC brands, to apparels, to glasses
Here's an example
Asus **EVA 01** motherboard: (https://dlcdnwebimgs.asus.com/files/media/9DDA3BB7-F3A9-486C-9911-0C7268B0F610/v1/img/pic_dissipation.png)

Here's another from Asuka (**EVA 02**):(https://dlcdnwebimgs.asus.com/files/media/D35E4510-6019-4090-9676-6830AB80C4DB/v1/img/eva-2.png)

Here's the source for the glasses: https://us.jins.com/collections/evangelion?usf_sort=bestselling

I'm not sure if this narrows it down but I did found out that both the "eva" text and the numbers may have likely come from Evangelion's official racing team in Japan. I also saw this same font in official Evangelion theme park in Japan at Kyoto Toei Studio Park, both appearing as a badge in EVA Unit 01's shoulder, and at the base.


stenciled numbers white bg.png







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