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Typeface from opening titles of "Black Christmas" (1974)

Go to solution Solved by Riccardo Sartori,

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I suppose it looks a little like a variant on Goudy's Kennerly, with a bit of horizontal stretching applied but the upper case A with the crossbar on top is unique as is the N with the bit of dip below the baseline.  I understand there may not be a digital version but if anyone knows what the original typeface was called it would be greatly appreciated.


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Thanks! This helps a lot. I liked your initial thought of Goudita as it matched all the quirks like you said. Since your suggestion of Italian Old Style, I think that the original Italian Old Style is exactly what they used. Goudita, after all, seems like a convenient renaming of 'Goudy Italian Old Style' to fit into an 8 character name which they did when softmaker digitized a lot of these fonts.

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