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Cover of Spies by Michael Frayn

Go to solution Solved by MissNobody,

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We'll soon be putting out a translation of a book named Spies: it was the Book of the Year in the UK in 2002, so although I have to confess that I'd not heard of it, plenty of other people will have.

We've decided to emulate the original cover, given that it's likely to be known to people:


I've got the artwork taken care of. Although I don't know whether the title is lettering, the lack of ligatures is making me think that it's likely to be a font. Does it look familiar to any of you? If not, can you think of something which looks similar?

(The font for the author name doesn't matter. I'm not a fan of how the R has so much weight on its left, which makes it look misplaced to my eyes. We'll probably not give the name as much prominence anyway.)


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34 minutes ago, Ralf Herrmann said:

Don’t trust the initial preview.

Yeah, lately MyFonts' preview is unusable if the font has alternates.


52 minutes ago, Meddysong said:

stumbling across akaDora, which looks to be a perfect match

It looks a bit wonky, and the |i| is wrong...

8 minutes ago, Meddysong said:

I don't have a clue how to switch glyphs in the preview

You can use "Add Myfonts sample" directly here:


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