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  1. Today
  2. I am trying to locate the font used for the text 'Princess Weekend' used in the attached banner or here (https://www.rundisney.com/events/disneyworld/disney-princess-half-marathon-weekend/) This is from this year so it could be a recent release. I've run all my usual font identifiers on it - I think some of the characters are alternate glyphs and nothing seems to be able to pin it down. I'm attempting to locate the actual font, and I sincerely appreciate the help!
  3. Yesterday
  4. Strange how the ear of the g migrates to the top of the bowl in the bold weight ... never noticed that before.
  5. It looks pretty similar to Monotype Old Style. download at MyFonts
  6. Last week
  7. Would like to identify this attached type font used in War Time Instruction Manual in England in the 1940's. Any help would be appreciated.
  8. For your spurious correlation link it shows graph that is correlated spuriously. I would mention the two variables in the graph, do not share a common unit like 1. One is a scalar multiple of the other, which is how they are spuriously correlated as equivalent.
  9. You suggest Durer's document which has Blackletter script in it. Actually his whole manuscript is in Blackletter. Curious if anyone here has better exemplars of uppercase versions and perhaps a document showing geometry how the letters are constructed.
  10. Helpful!! I see 1525 Albrecht Dürer here: https://archive.org/details/vnderweysungderm00drer/page/n7/mode/2up His Roman capitals start at page 115 for the PDF. Already looking at B, I see the slope of y=(1/e)x+b in his geometry. I posted this on SE site for 'e' itself. Interesting history says Euler had correspondence with Leibniz originally using letter B to represent the exponential function e^1=2.7... He starts lowercase construction Blackletter on page 139 looks and it's made with unit squares. Page 141 has uppercase Blackletter, but no explanation on creating the letters. On page 142, he shows a bunch of NETs, but without knowing German here I have no idea if they are related to Blackletter construction. I can't find anything from Luca Pacioli, do you have pointers here? Again, helpful on construction of letters of Serif'd Latin script and lowercase Blackletter for Durer's time. It's missing uppercase Blackletter and it would be helpful if there were better exemplars of it. Also, just note: I'm looking for geometric semantics on the intended operation/function of the letter if they exist. For instance I show in posts on SE, letter 'e' from 700AD Old English has mathmatical constants and math spirals using constant e in letter. I show square root / radical even a Roman Cursive 'r' that resembles the radical sign and square root operation taken with length (using a common unit), then square root of 2 with geometry. Agreed on spurious, conclusive theory will require statistical analysis of many exemplars. Also, my theory is letters in handwritten script may change geometry depending on the meaning conveyed in them. For instance, I show on SE letter 'e' changes geometry, but constants remain the same. The author could change it in cursive as a way of communicating. Look at Greek Byzantine script, its very cursive and letter geometry changes throughout the document. Again, thanks for your guidance!
  11. I want to comment the argument by on math SE was about the symbol being random lines scribbled and no sense could be made. It is not on the computation or measurement, because I establish a unit 1 shown on the symbol. I argue to SE contributors, the symbol is used everywhere for square root operations, so we know it involves taking the square root. Therefore, the probability the author of symbol included operation of square root in geometry of the symbol itself is high. Why would it be random scribbles. Also, check out that letter 'r' and 'R' was historically used for square root. The old letter in Roman Cursive looks like the square root symbol I show it. Also check on the link to geometry of sqrt(2). The modern symbol fits right over the circle and square with lengths matching. Its rather surprising to see it.
  12. Did you look at the graphic with e, 1 and sqrt(e)? Measure 1 length on the symbol, then measure e. Divide e length on symbol by 1 measurement call this A. Divide sqrt(e) length on symbol by 1 measurement on symbol, call this B. A will be 2.7... . Now on calculator get sqrt(2.7), it will equal B. Do you think the symbol was randomly chosen? Also check out the other post linked in beginning for sqrt of 2. The lines match right up to the geometric explation with square and circle.
  13. In most cases, rationalisation is a post facto operation. See, for example, the works of Albrecht Dürer and Luca Pacioli on the Roman capitals. Also always be ware of spurious correlations.
  14. Leibniz used this symbol and it derives from Latin S. I show both here and how the curves are taken from curves of continued Calculus integrals starting at 1 or 1/2. Asking the Typography community if they can confirm this and if this has been investigated. https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/4978914/original-leibniz-integral-symbol-notation-are-curves-of-antiderivatives-combine
  15. The radical or square root sign contains geometry in itself the computes the square root. I prove this at this link. Asking this community for advice because I think this falls under typography. https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/4978928/square-root-radical-symbol-is-geometry-of-the-symbol-specifying-mathematics-u https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/4978928/square-root-radical-symbol-is-geometry-of-the-symbol-specifying-mathematics-u
  16. I placed a proof that 'e' used by Euler the mathematician to express the constant of the exponential function to power 1, has math as part of the symbol. This includes logarithmic and golden spirals including the constant 2.7 and 1.6, e and golden ratio in the symbol. Asking this community for advice because I think this falls under typography. https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/4979904/letter-e-is-the-math-found-in-the-letter-coincidental-or-conclusive-are-ther
  17. @Ralf Herrmann, we were without power for several days from Hurrican Helene, so I'm just seeing this. It came from Thanksgiving artwork that I chose not to use, but I really liked the font. I did not save the artwork...my apologies. @Riccardo Sartori, thank you so much! I do love a Pro version.
  18. Sadly, I think the E has been altered to such an an extent that—even if it had started with a typeface—it is no longer identifiable. I ran just that character through multiple matching databases, and came up empty.
  19. I like that...Frankenlogo. I am stealing that. Yes, you are correct. I did not want to show the whole thing because I was pretty sure it would lead everyone astray. The ODNL are Engravers BT and the R used to be Engravers BT with some flourishes glommed on to it (I didnt do it!). They want to keep the custom R, but everything else can go. They really like the "E" If I could just find the "E" - I think I could do something with that font. I noticed that the back of the E has a slight curve to it in addition to the unusual center serif. Not sure if that is helpful.
  20. Is this the complete logotype? I agree with Riccardo—what you appear to have is a Frankenlogo. The O, D, N, and L seem to be Engravers, artificially condensed. I can’t find any match for the E, but the link Riccardo provided gives you typefaces with a similar crossbar. The R is a mystery as well. For the S and T, try Athelas (add a stroke with rounded joints to match your sample).
  21. Indeed the letters don’t seem to belong to the same typeface. Hoping it can help you, here is a list of fonts with the centre serif of |E| angled left.
  22. I have a client who has a logo that has "organically developed" over many years and has a bunch of fonts and shapes stuffed into it and we are trying to return it to some semblance of a useable graphic. Also we are trying to identify a font that will work for secondary signage so we want several of the letters to belong to an actual font family. The most identifiable element in the letters is the angled central serif in the letter "E". I am actually not 100% sure that the "S" and the "T" are even the same font, but the "E" is important. Good Luck.
  23. The Virtual Museum of Printing is an online heritage collective that aims to bring together the printing-historical resources of the British Isles in one site. The Virtual Museum of Printing will enable print historians, practitioners, museum curators, and other heritage professionals to contribute data, images, video, and narrative from their collections. This will foster connections and networking, facilitate knowledge exchange, and create training opportunities. Most importantly, museum visitors will be able to engage with many collections related to printing, including some which are wholly or partly inaccessible physically.
  24. Earlier
  25. So in 2005 Neca published this Trading Card Game based on Tim Burtons' "Nightmare Before Christmas" movie. The font I need help identifying is the one "Pumpkin King" is writen with.
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