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Looking for 1940s era aircraft instrument number font

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I'm making a digital reproduction of a Japanese WW2 aircraft, and my obsessive side needs to discover what font (or close analogue) was used on the instrument faces. They are entirely numbers. I know it's a long shot, but I believe that it is a font instead of a freehand because these were mass produced and many different instruments use the same typeface.


This instrument face will probably be the highest resolution.





More closeups can be found at AeroAntique: https://aeroantique.com/products/altimeter-japanese-naval-aviation-sensitive-model-2-kai-10-000-m





The thing that throws me is how different the 6 and the 9 look from each other!


There is an entirely different typeface used on the clock that seems more 1910s style to me but I'll leave that one alone for now.


Thank you very much!

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