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English font in Japanese manga (Tsuiraku JK to Haijin Kyoushi)

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This font is being used as the episode title font preceding the chapter title in a Japanese manga series (more info here).

For a bit of history, if there's any dialogue or throwaway comment/SFX that happens to be English within a Japanese manga, it will tend to be any default font that comes prepackaged into whatever system is being used at the time due to budgetary concerns and/or convenience. It doesn't happen all the time, but it happens enough that you notice a trend.

I believe this one is a variant of Century Gothic but I can't find one thin enough to match the image; I could also be wrong. Either way, I would appreciate if any expert could chime in on this 🙂

2018-07-25 03_20_45-JK 01 3.jpeg - IrfanView copy.png

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