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Learning Beziers

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Does anyone know of a good Bezier drawing tutorial for Illustrator or Freehand?



I was having a hard time getting the hang of the bezier--especially the click and drag. Then, I came upon a section in my Sam's 24-hour book on Illustrator that dealt with this with a couple of exercises. By golly, I had an aha! moment! I can do beziers!--and with more practice, I'll be able to do them well.



The way I learned Beziers, was to set myself a small project...that's just cause I just never seem to sit on my desk with a book and follow instructions. Instead I downloaded a cartoon still--Stimpy--off the wed and drew over it in Illustrator. Btw. cartoons work best bec. they temd to have a lot of flat colour.

It only took about an hour and it really helped me to figure illustrator out for myself. Plus Stimpy freaking ROCKS.

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