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An amusing exercise - abbreviations becoming characters

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i think it should look like this more or less
from 2 reason 1.its not connecting anything , so it should be clear
2 it should have some continuty(?).................maybe

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I showed jupiterboy's wtf to a non-graphic artist colleague. He glanced at the screen, and said "What the f--?" Obviously an excellent and highly recognizable representation. We both want t-shirts!

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You have to consider the ease of writing these symbols; obviously if the symbol is harder to write than the acronym, then it wouldn't be widely used. Usually this means one continous motion going in one direction (left loop, left to right) and can't be too different than how language (Western) is written. For LOL, i would suspect two quick loops, punctuated with a dot to close. For WTF, 3 spikes, with a quick line and a dot; i was also thinking perhaps the dot would go away altogether after a while and just have a single bar at top of the "w".

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> You have to consider the ease of writing these symbols

I think Mark Simonson's wft is just about as easy for most as the &. Frankly, many people are too lazy to even write the &, opting for an even less complicated mark like +.

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Mark's "wtf" (and Jim's shortening, which seems like a likely evolution) is actually more satisfying to me than an ampersand to write, because the ampersand is drawn diagonally up from the bottom right, a weird place to start a character.

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dave bailey

Hm. Then… I must be writing my ampersands in reverse!

It took me a minute to figure out if I did it in reverse too, but alas I write them diagonally up and to the left as he stated. Although, I could see myself doing it your way too... :D

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I've had a look for a FAQ which might save me asking this question - couldn't find one, though this may be due to an error in my search rather than the document's absence - and I don't know whether it's a massive etiquette breach to even ask this, but:

I really like one of your wtf ligatures. Please may I start to use it, giving you appropriate credit?

Thanks in advance,
(having checked to see whether it's possible to e-mail you this rather than posting it to the board)

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This is some really great stuff. geesdude I think you've got two excellent ideas, especially for pen writing. I'm not sure how easily the looped L's would work with a sans-serif console-style font, but as some kind of TT character it could definitly work.

The WTF t-shirt is a great idea, someone get Cafepress on the phone.

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This is a modification to simplify the submission of Mark Simonson. I noticed, that in it's shape, the W was inherent as the center of the symbol already and the weight in the beginning was unnecessary.

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I’ve had a look for a FAQ which might save me asking this question - couldn’t find one, though this may be due to an error in my search rather than the document’s absence - and I don’t know whether it’s a massive etiquette breach to even ask this, but:
I really like one of your wtf ligatures. Please may I start to use it, giving you appropriate credit?
Thanks in advance,
(having checked to see whether it’s possible to e-mail you this rather than posting it to the board)

”Start to use it” is rather open ended.The odd exercise like this is fun, but if we can keep the work here open and collaborative, without the worry of the work being used, I think we preserve the intent of the group. Drop me a note at [email protected] if you would like to discuss further.

Someone call the janitor.

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