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  • Return/Refund Policy

    In general, you are eligible for a full reimbursement within 14 calendar days of your purchase. After the 14-day period, you will no longer be eligible and won't be able to receive a refund. We encourage our customers to try the available products or services in the first two weeks after their purchase to ensure it fits their needs. 

    Refunds apply to:

    • access passes like the Typography.Guru Patronage subscription
    • physical product orders
    • custom orders, which haven’t been produced or shipped yet

    Refunds do NOT apply to:

    • software downloads (e.g. fonts) unless the ordered products do not work and we are unable to make them work for your intended use. 

    Refund procedure

    Refunds can be requested through email and the 1-to-1 Help forum. 

    Refunds can only be executed through the original payment provider that the customer chose during checkout. The refund will be issued within 7 business days. 

    A refund means that all usage rights granted as part of the order are revoked again. For example: Access to exclusive content will immediately be removed and usage rights for font downloads are revoked. 

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