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Terms of Use

A) Account & Privacy

We require only very little information about you: just an email address and a username. All other information are optional. However, there are some important rules …

  1. E-Mail: Your email address needs to be a real email address you check regularly. Disposable addresses or other accounts just set up for registration purposes are strictly prohibited. We will delete such accounts without any warning. We will also have to delete account for which mail servers will send “hard bounces”. Since those addresses fail permanently we cannot warn you and ask you to update your address. So be sure to always use a correct address. 
    And don’t worry: You have full control over how your address is used. You can unsubscribe from all notifications or newsletters you choose to receive. We will not send you messages against your will and of course we will not give your email address to third parties. 
  2. Usernames and avatar images: The preferred username consists of your first and last name. But you are also free to abbreviate your name or use a pseudonym. But please don’t use an URL as username or the name of people or companies if you are unrelated to them. The username you choose during registration is not set in stone. You can change them later.  
    The preferred avatar image is a profile picture of yourself. But just as with the username, you are also free to pick other types of images, which might represent you in some way. But don’t get too crazy (animations, extreme colors) and don’t try to cheat the system, e.g. by uploading a blank image. 
  3. You are free to give additional information like where you are from. But if you do give any personal information, make sure they are correct. Do not create a fake personality by using other people’s names or pictures or giving other fake information about yourself.  
  4. Do not create more than one account (e.g. to circumvent our posting restrictions, to vote multiple times and so on). This action will result in an immediate ban of all accounts. 
  5. Account, Privacy: Typography.Guru is run from Europe and we follow Europe’s strict privacy regulations. You can request information about the data stored about you and we will delete your account and all your personal data (like email address, stored IP address, optional personal data on your profile page) on request.
  6. User Content: You are solely responsible for the content you publish on Typography.Guru. You assume all risks associated with use of your user content, including any reliance on its accuracy, completeness or usefulness by others, or any disclosure of your user content that personally identifies you or any third party. You grant (and you represent and warrant that you have the right to grant) Typography.Guru an irrevocable, nonexclusive, royalty-free and fully paid, worldwide license to reproduce, distribute, publicly display and perform your user content.
    Deleting an account will not delete any user content and we will also not delete all content of a user by request. We might agree to delete individual posts and will decide on a case-by-case basis. 
  7. Login handlers: We provide login options through third-party services like Facebook, Google and Twitter. If you sign up through any of these services, we will store your email address (but not your social media password) on our servers to identify you. Other features of these connections: optional syncing of your profile image and profile header image, optional posting of your content on social media sites while posting on our site. You can remove the connection to these social media services at any time. But you always need one active login handler. If you remove all social media login handlers, you need a regular community login with a password stored securely on our server. You can always request a new password through our Forgot Password function. 

B) Postings & Legibility

  1. Choose the right section or forum for your posts. Cross posts are not permitted. 
  2. Pick useful post titles, which let the users know what the post is about and which make the post easy to find later. Something like “Need help” is not a useful title. 
  3. Avoid personal information about yourself or others in your postings. 
    This includes the way you address other users in discussions. Use the quote and mention function so usernames are displayed dynamically. This allows users to change their names later and any mentions will change automatically. 
  4. When quoting others, please only quote the part which you reply to. Don’t repeat full posts. If you make the first reply to another post, you usually don’t need to use the quote function at all. 
  5. Since we are on a site about typography:
    1. try to use correct orthography
    2. write full sentences in regular mixed-case setting
    3. use proper quotation marks (e.g. “/”/’ and not "/') 
    4. avoid SCREAMING or other kinds of emphasis like “!!!!!”
  6. Self-advertising: You might occasionally post links to your own websites, products and services, as long as they fit the section or discussed topic and one can assume that these links are in the interest of the people reading these posts. If you post links as pure advertising or for SEO purposes (we have outgoing links set to no-follow anyway), we will ban your account. It is also strictly prohibited that you register under a fake account just to praise yourself, your products or your services. 
  7. Please avoid posting affiliate links. Typography.Guru on the other hand relies on affiliate links to finance this site. So any outgoing link might be connected to an affiliate partner. We also reserve the right to automatically add affiliate IDs to content which users have posted.     

C) Browser plugins and settings

Users agree to use our site “as is”. We do not allow browser plugins (like ad blockers or JavaScript blockers) which alter the code which is generated on our servers. We reserve the right to detect such plugins and refuse to deliver pages to such users or deactivate their accounts. 

D) Legal issues

  1. Requests for illegal software (e.g. fonts) are strictly prohibited. Such requests might be instantly altered or deleted. 
  2. We might also delete links to suspicious websites or links which can be considered spam. 
  3. Before uploading content to Typography.Guru make sure you have the right to publish this content. Otherwise we might hide or delete your content in order to avoid legal issues. 

E) Trolls / Provoking posts / off-topic discussions / Administrator actions

  1. Don’t insult others just because you don’t like them or don’t agree with them.  
  2. You can report posts which you think have insulted or discriminated you in any way. This is usually the better solution than to engage in any public “battles”. 
  3. When certain users continue to provoke others, an administrator will first warn the user. When the user ignores this warning, administrators can and will act on any future violations of our community guidelines without any further warnings. Actions can include editing posts, deleting posts, closings topics, blocking users for a “cool-down period” or even banning them from the community altogether. 
  4. Freedom of Speech: Typography.Guru is run as open an fair as possible. If your posts don’t violate any rules of these guidelines, and if they are factual and fit the topic of this community, you are free to express them here. We do not censor out certain opinions – not even if they are in opposition with the opinion of the site’s owner. 
    But keep in mind: Typography.Guru is still a privately run web service. Like any other private social media site: we cannot guarantee any services and you cannot force us to publish your content or keep your published content online when you use our site as non-paying member. We need to reserve the right to revoke your ability to post content on this site at any time. And we might also delete posts or close sections of our sites down, making content you have posted inaccessible. 
  5. Administrator actions are final and not open for debate. So for example: when a forum topic is closed, it is not allowed to start a new topic discussing why the original topic was closed. 
  6. Avoid off-topic discussions when the original questions of the topic has not yet been fully answered. Instead, start a new topic yourself and quote from the original topic.
  7. The “Esotericism clause”: This community is specifically about typography and related fields. Ideological debates about topics such as politics, religion, esotericism or conspiracy theories are strictly prohibited, when there isn’t a clear connection to the topic of this community. Topics which violate the Esotericism clause will be closed or deleted without prior warning. 


This site is run by:
Schriftkontor Ralf Herrmann
Paul-Schneider-Str. 47
99425 Weimar

Phone: +49 3643 77 77 66


Email: editor @ typography.guru
(Before sending advertising/partnership requests, see here first.)



Community software by Invision Power Services
Current Affiliate Partners: Amazon, MyFonts, Monotype, FSI FontShop International, MightyDeals, Fontspring, FontBundles

Graublau Slab Pro: The expressive addition to the Graublau Sans family.
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