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  2. thanks in advance!
  3. I'm looking for the font used in this image to edit the some of the wording. I like the font used and would like to use the same one. The image is not yet licensed for my project, but I will license it to use legitimately. https://stock.adobe.com/images/closed-for-holidays-sign-board-on-a-wooden-table-with-festive-decor-in-background-perfect-for-business-retail-store-office/1107482495
  4. Yes, the Canva is probably the reason. As with all other ubiquitous and hated fonts, it's not the font that is the problem, but the misuse of it. It always starts with those fonts being available in the software used by common people. They spot the effect of typography and strive to make something different. However, they lack the context, taste, and knowledge about fonts outside the app. That's the story of Comic Sans or Algerian being available in MS Office. When you mentioned Canva, it was much clearer to me 🙂
  5. Wow thanks ! Do you know what the other font is ? (on the SELFCARE)
  6. Hey, I'm looking for the font used on this vintage patch. Many thanks, A
  7. The closest I can find is Somtam. Better images:
  8. Hey, I'm looking for the font used on the E, F and A of "SELFCARE". "HOTEL DRUGS" is in a custom Estragon by Dinamo. Many thanks, A
  9. Yesterday
  10. Based on larger, clearer images found via Google search, the all-caps text seems to be set in the system font Georgia. "for" is more difficult to pin down due to its size and resolution—maybe Fisha Script? EDIT: "for" appears to be Hugh is Life.
  11. What is the font name used on the book cover in the hands of the man in video named "squabble up" in the YouTube channel named "Kendrick Lamar" uploaded in November 25, 2024
  12. Last week
  13. In the world of cameras, one company has been using something quite distinct to the others, a font that is now core to their identity.
  14. Appears to be a heavily customized Robot Roc DJ Courageous is similar
  15. I think Caxton is about as close as you are going to get.
  16. Thank you Kevin for your input. Unfortunately, the quality of the video from which the picture was taken is also quite low. You can perhaps see it in more detail if you take a look at the video.
  17. There isn’t a lot of clear detail in your images. Only finding similar: Nyte Book Italic Caxton is another option, as is Seneca.
  18. The font seems a bit like Cooper Light Italic, ITC Souvenir, or even ITC Cheltenham, but it's neither of these... Thanks, Jose
  19. Not finding a spot-on match. Maybe Sharp Slab Bold, customized to round certain joints and elongate the base? Archer Black with the same customizations would work as well.
  20. Hey, I'm looking for the font used on the A, T and Y. I know that the R is Estragon from Dinamo and the N seems to be custom. https://www.pantrypantrypantry.com/ Many thanks, A
  21. What do you like about it? It would help with recommendations. Because it’s all lettering drawn for this specific purpose and along a circle, so the special look comes from the fact that it is lettering and not a font.
  22. Not a font. That’s lettering by a sign painter. Peter Wiegel made a few fonts replicating German lettering. Not too close to your sample though. https://www.peter-wiegel.de/BerlinEmail.html https://www.peter-wiegel.de/BerlinerWand.html
  23. Dear All, Please see the photo attached -- it's a sign from a public pool, very likely from Gelsenkirchen in West Germany. The pool was built in 1927 and closed in 1983, but the photo is likely from 1960's. https://www.kohlenspott.de/unvergessen-freibad-grimberg-in-gelsenkirchen-auch-hoerbar-als-podcast/ I believe having seen something similar in antique German trams, too. Could you please help identifying the font? Are there any similar fonts? Could you recommend a source for German fonts from that era? Thank you very much!
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