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  1. Today
  2. Do you have more samples? With the resolution of this image it’s impossible to identify the font. Or to put it another way: any common sans-serif design will match that if it’s typeset so small or in such a low resolution. You could just use a system font like Helvetica or something like DIN or Bahnschrift for a more geometric feel.
  3. SapereAude

    Font identification sites

    Fantastic! Many, many thanks. This will save me a TON of work!
  4. Yesterday
  5. Hey all, So, the font in question is the one in this image. Basically, I'm trying to create a novelty stamp for wedding invitations in a Soviet-esque style, but I really want this exact font as it fits the part. I think this is from a Serbian government office, something of that nature... I've seen other stamps and they basically all use this exact font. The closest match I've found is a font called Queen of Clubs, which does look similar-ish but is way more narrow... and the effect is lost somewhat. I've tried all automatic font ID sites, and nothing comes up, and also researched manually heavily... I've been designing for 15 years, and I don't think I've ever actually not been able to ID a font, so this is quite irritating actually. Thanks in advance, and if anyone can get it, I'll happily get them a coffee.
  6. Bjørn Edvard Torbo

    Font from LE REX in Nogent-le-Rotrou (France)'s logo.

    What’s strange though, is that in your first sample, the E in CINÉMA isn’t rounded like in REX and the text below it. The rounded E looks more like it belongs in Exo 2.0 or thereabouts.
  7. mthvrs

    Font from LE REX in Nogent-le-Rotrou (France)'s logo.

    Hey! Thank you very much for the suggestions. Mittelschrift is actually what I had ended up with using one of those automated tools online. So you reckon it was - at least in part - a custom job?
  8. Sorry, but so little detail is visible in your sample as to make it pretty much useless to font matching software programs. It's a semi-slab typeface, at least, but that's not a lot to go on. Do you know the name of the restaurant? Better images may be available elsewhere on the 'net.
  9. It's from a menu printed in 2005. It's a rounded serif, and slightly condensed. It's similar to Dead History OT by Emirge – if that font didn't have its split style as well as VAG Rounded – if it had a serif and condensed. https://www.emigre.com/Fonts/Dead-History This is the image I have to go off of. Thanks so much for your help!
  10. Last week
  11. MissNobody

    Looking for font used in Capelouto pest control logo please

    I agree with Kevin, I've unwrapped the perspective, and it looks wrong (inverse perspective than it should be): Even if you correct for the scaling: So somebody created it already as-is, with false perspective. That would suggest lettering rather than type.
  12. Kevin Thompson

    Looking for font used in Capelouto pest control logo please

    Sorry, but it doesn't appear to be a straight setting of a single typeface (very few logos actually are). Not finding a match. League Mono Semibold Condensed works for everything but the A and the U. Pick up the A from Bodega Sans Medium (the alternate A glyph), and add a stem to the U from League Mono.
  13. IceWine

    Font found on a wedding shot glass in an online shop.

    FYI, I have identified the script font which I determined to be "Edwardian Script." Thanks for the help!
  14. Ralf Herrmann

    Font found on a wedding shot glass in an online shop.

    The upright font is Cinzel Decorative: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Cinzel+Decorative?preview.text=Take A Shot
  15. I am looking to identify the three fonts in this photo. The "TAKE A SHOT" font is very similar to Quadoo but is not quite it. I believe that the "We Tied" and the bottom date are the same font. The names "James and Ashley" I think are in a different font as well. Any help is appreciated. The link to the shop and this shot glass is here: https://ca.callie.com/personalized-clear-shot-glasses-with-heavy-base-set-of-6-gift-for-bachelor-party-wedding?callie_ref=search&keyword=shot glasses
  16. Kevin Thompson

    Font identification sites

    I can save you the work (actually, Luc Devroye did the heavy lifting). Here is his compilation of font collections and their font names/aliases. And he has a PDF of font name equivalents/license holders for one of Softmaker's collections (see attached, starting on page 12). SM-FONTS.PDF
  17. SapereAude

    Font identification sites

    I think I have mentioned elsewhere that I bought a font collection from the German company, SoftMaker. Overall, the collection includes 7,500 fonts, but that's including all variations. It's not 7,500 typefaces, but it's still a lot. And, unfortunately, ALL the typefaces/fonts bear names that SoftMaker has to them, and I have been trying unsuccessfully to figure out what mainstream, commercial fonts the fonts in this collection correspond to. There must be sites that allow you to enter a sample of text and that can identify the font, or at least the font family. Can someone point me to such a site? Thank you.
  18. Looking for font used in Capelouto pest control logo please
  19. MissNobody

    Font from LE REX in Nogent-le-Rotrou (France)'s logo.

    The closest I can find is DIN 1451 Mittelschrift with rounded 'E'. You can always make it into a vector file such as this. Cinéma Rex.ai
  20. mthvrs

    Font from LE REX in Nogent-le-Rotrou (France)'s logo.

    I doubt this is particularly useful but here it is, cut in giant metal letters on the facade of the theatre : Maybe the "cinéma", different from the logo above, uses the same font this time around? No clue if this helps or makes the search worse haha.
  21. Hi, See the picture attached : it's the logo of the movie theatre Le REX owned by the city of Nogent-le-Rotrou. I'm looking to recreate a much higher resolution version of the logo and would need to find the appropriate font. You can reverse google-search it to find a few websites (including ours) using it, but it's mostly a dead-end. Some ideas, clues, notes : - Clearly the whole image seems to be using two fonts since the vertical "CINÉMA" uses a different E (no rounded edges..) from the "REX" and "LE" or "NOGENT" texts. At a minimum I need to ID the one used for the REX logo (with the fairly distinctive R and E designs). This logo would have been designed in ~2010, presumably contracted out by the city as their in-house designer at the time does remember being sent a design brief and is certain he had no part in it. On the other hand, I wouldn't really expect it to be fully custom work seeing as city is unlikely to have shelled out a lot of money for this.. Any lead whatsoever is fine, including commercial fonts obv. Thank you so much :)
  22. Powermix

    Looking for this font used in Looka

    Thanks a lot MissNobody !!
  23. Mads B

    Font used for a clothing designer's logo around 2006-2007

    You're absolutely right, @Kevin Thompson! Only, she must have messed around with it somehow to give it that bubbly/wavy look. Thank you so much for your expert support!
  24. Juan

    Looking for the font used by Ficheraz on a instagram post

    Thank you very much, that's exactly it !
  25. MissNobody

    Looking for the font used by Ficheraz on a instagram post

    Looks like Untitled by AUTHENTIC. Can be bought here.
  26. Hello, Looking for the font used by Ficheraz on a instagram post, or alternative have this serif. I think there are several fonts in this image, but the one I'm looking for is the font used for the word Feminist. https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca2o5pcOP4V/?hl=fr
  27. MissNobody

    Looking for this font used in Looka

    'SUNDÉA' looks like Mokoto Glitch. The other font seems to be Auttera.
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