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Identification of an Art Nouveau / Victorian headline typeface (1880-1900)

Go to solution Solved by Riccardo Sartori,

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Dear Typography.guru forum members!

This is my first post. I am a student of graphic design at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia). For my Bachelor's degree assignment I chose to revive a typeface I found in an old book (from 1901 to be exact, printed in Slovenia, probably with types imported from Germany, as Slovenia never had its own typefoundry.). I thought it would be best to get as much information on it as possible, so I am posting this here in hopes of getting some answers. I already loosely concluded that the source of this typeface is Bauer & Co or Berthold.

So, here are the main questions I am looking for answers to:

1.Does anyone happen to have any more information on the original typeface, maybe a name or scanned specimen sheet, maybe the name of the designer? (All I could find was that it was probably first cut by Bauer & Co., maybe by Berthold AG - They took over Bauer & Co. at some point if I understand correctly - sometime between 1880 and 1900 – version with just capital letters was sometimes called Alexandra, and a condensed version that has some letterforms differently shaped was called Concordia)

2.If any of you does have any materials for me, would you allow me to put them in my thesis?

3.Would any of you have any advice for me on this project?

x. Does anyone know how could one classify this typeface, or maybe even what would this type of serif be called (bracketed, slur,...)

Files enclosed:
-berthold_bauer_alexandra.jpg (outline version with only capital letters)
-berthold_bauer_concordia.jpg (before mentioned condensed version)
-blaznik_lincoln.jpg (a version I am reviving, found in a sample book from an old print shop from Ljubljana)

I hope I am not asking for too much and I am looking forward to your replies. 

With best regards,
Črt Mate




Edited by crttrccrttrc
Forgotten to type the title in its entirety.
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Dear Riccardo Sartori!
I have come across the Gable Antique already, but Webster is the better match, and the Fonts in Use is's page about the American versions is truly incredibly useful, so thank you very very much! 

I have also came across a font called Mephisto which an all caps revival of the same typeface (by Scriptorium), but they dont refer to any source, I have contacted them but for now, they haven't replied.

Again, thank you for the info!

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