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Darth Vader

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I was wondering if Darth Vader were to use a font, what would it be? He's definitely got style and good taste so I immediately went for Futura because the beautiful symetrical curves and sharp corners contrast each other perfectly which is almost like a metaphor for the inner struggle of Vader himself. Any thoughts?

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> He's definitely got style and good taste

I don't associate those qualities with Darth Vader. Well, maybe you could use style in the sense of being a colorful character, in the way that Wild Bill Hickok or Patton had attention-getting styles. But I don't think of Vader as being concerned with good taste.

I'd use words more like driven and ruthless. And I don't think he'd give a damn about fonts. He'd use whatever military fonts were handy.

However his personal handwriting would be more interesting — forceful, angry yet controlled, dangerous looking.

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I'd think that D. Vader would want to choose a font which emphasized his frequently overlooked more endearing qualities. Possibly a custom version of Letraset Freestyle Script with little hearts as tittles.

Alternately, he might embrace his dark side and choose a font which conveyed pure evil. Then he'd go with either comic sans or papyrus.

The final solution would be the total subjugation of all available fonts. ALL OF YOUR FONTS ARE BELONG TO US!


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As I interpret the mythos, Darth Vader started out at a good guy who subsequently went over to the Dark Side. Consequently, Comic Sans is far more suitable for Vader than for Jar Jar Binks: it's an appealing font, perfectly suitable in proper context, which has been senselessly and tragically abused.

The iconic can be ironic, depending upon in which cheek the tongue rests…

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Old Nick:
Maybe Comic Sans would be appropriate in the Shakespearean sense, but there is a good vein of tragedy running through Darth Vader's life as well. Maybe someone (with more experience than I could offer) developed a "Tragic Sans" to accompany Comic Sans. That would be quite an interesting project and/or type combination.

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Tragic Sans: absolutely brilliant! The mind reels, awash with the possibilities of Irony in Action!

I shall put this idea—and, perhaps, a bit of something else—in my pipe and smoke it; perhaps, idle fancy will turn into inspiration. Or, maybe I'll just laugh up my sleeve and be done with it: I am a terrible procrastinator. It’s a habit I would gladly give up, if I could ever get around to it.

But I digress. Aces, dude =)

P.S. Not to be confused with Hrant’s Trajic, which is actually quite felicitous…

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> perfectly polished boots and helmet

Yes but most of the military characters — storm troopers, imperial guards, etc — had nice shiny outfits. Keeping your uniform tidy and shoes shined is basic military procedure.

I'd grant you that he had style if the movie indicated he had anything to do with his outfit's design, but I don't think it did. Maybe he said "make it black", but he was recovering from serious injuries and I'd assume the outfit was created by medical folks primarily as a modified military outfit designed for medical support.

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