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Disney headline font ID

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I'm a Disney subcontractor and was just assigned an urgent job for this weekend. Unfortunately, the original designer is not accessible and I'm stuck trying to figure out the font used in the attachment or come up with something similar. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Screen Shot 2023-03-31 at 5.10.58 PM.png

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Well, it isn't the custom Disney art deco typeface created by Kem Weber or its digital recreation, Mouse Deco, but very similar.

Sorry, not finding it in any of the commercial typeface databases—it may be custom to the company.

Were you given a PDF as reference? If so, open the PDF, go to File > Properties, then click on the Fonts tab at the top of the pop up window to see a listing of all fonts used in the document.

  • very interesting! 1
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