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Tiffany's engraving

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@Kevin, a bit of trivia. A few of the faces in the image you provided were made into 18-unit
Alphatype fonts during the early 70's, commissioned by Excelsior Process & Engraving or
possibly its parent company, Crane & Co., who had purchased EP&E in 1970. Some were very
expensive, as much as $600 for a font, and they were only available in one size. They cost so much because Alphatype had to pay a large royalty, or so an engineer there told me. I don't know if any of the designs were ported to the later digital phototypesetter produced by Alphatype.

Some collector somewhere probably has a set of the original fonts, assuming there are collectors of old photo fonts. There probably are since people will collect just about anything. If someone does have them they would be so easy to digitize today.

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28 minutes ago, George Thomas said:

I've been thinking about this face since the first post because it's a very good design, and it
deserves to be digitized. Hopefully someone may be able to obtain the brass pantograph mats and do so. I would do it but I have a long list of waiting projects already and just cannot add

I was struck by the shape of the 't'

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