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CSS font stacks article

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Good work! You're providing a really good summary of what fonts are available where and multiple different options for font-stacks. The one thing I would really like to see are examples of the fonts in titling and body copy, since some stacks sit better in one or the other.

One of the things that I have noticed with these font stacks are that the fonts often set wider or heavier than one another, even at the same font size, so being able to predict those differences would be useful. Here are some more sites that I've found useful:




But overall, it looks good!

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If you can spare a few minutes to help me out with some screen shots of the html files listed in the adress below, I will be very grateful. I need screen shots from different web browsers and platforms to see how the fonts appear. Fonts not installed on your system will display as a monospaced font.


Mail me at: frodefrodefrode (at) gmail.com


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I don't guess you need another OSX/Firefox user's screenshots…

You might want to use one of those screenshot factories, like browsershots.org. That way you can quickly get comprehensive coverage of a ton of OS/browser configurations. I use such sites quite extensively for testing web designs FWIW.

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Hi guys. I've been able to get hold of samples from Safari/Firefox in OSX (including the Microsoft Office 08 fonts), Firefox in Windows (with Cleartype) and to some extent Firefox on a Linux machine (still missing some fonts).

I'm still trying to get hold of these:

• Samples from earlier Safari editions (on Windows). It uses it's own rendering engine. Does any of you have it running?

• I also need samples from Windows (Firefox or IE) without Cleartype.

Thank you for all the help so far!

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