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Found 2 results

  1. I tend to be an anti-justify guy, in print as well as on screen. On screen is more dangerous since you don’t have complete control over how it’s presented. Narrow columns can often create drastically uneven word spaces, especially if you don’t have hyphenation. A colleague asked me: ... Do you feel you are in the majority on this? (anti-justification) ... I answered: Depends on who you ask. I think most people don’t really care, but typographers tend to be an adamant bunch, and they seem to be pretty much 50–50 on justification. If type is set well, with good hyphenation, adequate column widths (55 to 65 characters, incl. spaces, per line), etc., justified is OK. Flush-left-ragged-right (FLRR) also needs to be set carefully, but it always has equal word spacing (providing double spaces haven’t popped up anywhere). Some will say that the shapes created on the right hand side of FLRR setting are distracting, but at least they are on the edge of the text block, not in the middle, where I believe uneven spaces are more distracting. Tests on readability, comprehension and retention have been inconclusive, so it ends up seeming to be mostly a matter of taste. Robin Kinross’s book on the subject – Unjustified Texts – is great. It seems to be out of print at the publisher’s: https://hyphenpress.co.uk/products/books/978-0-907259-17-6 But available here: https://www.amazon.com/Unjustified-Texts-Perspectives-Robin-Kinross/dp/0907259170/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1490180050&sr=8-1&keywords=unjustified+texts+kinross A nice word-play title. The book is not only about justification though – other aspects of typography are also covered. I can recommend it highly. I’d be happy to hear opinions on this.
  2. Hello, I'm just delving into font technologies, so please forgive whatever ignorance demonstrated by my question. I'm modifying and extending an Erlang application that generates PDF files: https://github.com/hwatkins/erlguten Currently it supports 13 Adobe Type I fonts. I'd like to add OpenSource TrueType fonts. To do this, I need to end up with modules that looks something like this: https://github.com/hwatkins/erlguten/blob/master/src/eg_font_7.erl NOTE: You can open *.erl files with any text editor. In other words, I need to convert TrueType font metrics into the format illustrated in this file. ErlGuten has a conversion module that may or may not help: https://github.com/hwatkins/erlguten/blob/master/src/eg_afm.erl Googling galore, I find many references to TrueType .ttf files, but can't find how to derive/find the actual metrics. Can kind souls please point the way? And/or please let me know if I'm missing anything else of importance to complete my task. All the best, LRP eg_font_7.erl eg_afm.erl
Tierra Nueva: 4 fonts based on a map of America
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