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  1. Today
  2. As requested, here are some numbers and ampersands: As well, here are some more "Th" pairings:
  3. Yesterday
  4. I must admit that your argument is convincing, Kevin. It stands to reason that the production of this sample is characterized by unreliable mechanical manufacturing.
  5. Look at the baseline in what you posted, Bjørn, and then check the other Th pairing in “Thus” at the end of the next line.... With such an uneven baseline, I'm now wondering if the book was actually set in metal type, and just how old that type was....
  6. To my eye, the h is clearly lower that the T. 🤷‍♂️
  7. I think Linotype's phototypesetting version comes quite close (from page 23 of The Type Specimen Book, 1974). Note the tail on the Q below—a better match to the sample than any current digital version of Baskerville/Bulmer. As for the h cresting the top of the T, that varies among the current digital versions as well (some with more extreme differences than in the sample below). To my eye, the T and h are pretty much even in the original sample. If Ms. Schroeder could find a page with numbers and/or an ampersand, that could narrow the ID further. Not all phototypesetting faces were faithfully reproduced as digital typefaces (if they were digitized at all). Alternate characters were often excluded, the person doing the digitizing would “fix” things they considered errors, or the digital face would be based on much larger (display size) samples, which often changed the character of the face at text sizes. Without a better source image, I've exhausted my resources.
  8. What bothers me about Baskerville in this scenario is that I haven’t been able to find a version where the lowercase h is lower than the uppercase T.
  9. The italic definitely puts it squarely in the Baskerville family (Bulmer, Morris Fuller Benton’s/ATF's version of Baskerville, is also a possibility). Libre Baskerville would be a good open source alternate.
  10. Thank you everyone for your thoughts! I unfortunately don't have a better scan, but here's an attempt to post more "zoomed in" images:
  11. I passed this business in Paris and loved the font used to display its name on the facade of the building. I have tried several fonts identificators but none could give me a perfect match. I am a graphic designer and would like to know what font this is so that I could maybe buy it and use it for future projects. Thanks!
  12. Bjørn Edvard Torbo

    Noto fonts -- what are they?

    I know that you stated that you’re running Windows 10 (ew) in the first post, so this is not relevant for you, but since it’s a public forum with users that run a variety of operating systems, I think it’s okay to point out that since MacOS Ventura, Apple have disabled the functionality to deactivate supplemental fonts (of which Noto is a part). Thus, there’s effectively no way to deactivate Noto on present Mac OSes. I solve this personally by creating “font favorites” in apps like Affinity to filter out the deadweight.
  13. MissNobody

    Looking for the font of "Maëlynn" in picture attached

    Looks like Halana.
  14. I'm looking for the font used for the name "Maëlynn" on attached pictures. Thanks for the help!
  15. Ralf Herrmann

    What’s this font (Signwritten Art book)

    It will not be this obvious to everyone, especially since that book and even that page uses fonts. But yeah, I agree, that this header is almost certainly lettering.
  16. Kevin Thompson

    What’s this font (Signwritten Art book)

    So, you want to know where you can find a digital typeface to match the handdrawn lettering from a book about signpainting? I think you may have missed the point of the book. Not as detailed, but same vibe: Forged Outline
  17. Found in 1989 book Signwritten Art by A.J.Lewrey. I would really like to find out where I will be able to find a digital version so I can recreate with a different word.
  18. To chime in. The closest I can find were: Dashiell or Halant. There's probably not an exact digital match. Can you, perhaps, post a more quality photo (meaning less text in favor of being more zoomed in)?
  19. Last week
  20. I didn't say anything about Baskerville Old Face. Your sample appears to be set in a face very similar to Baskerville, but one with a narrower and more angled tail on the Q and a few other differences. Whatever it is, it may not have survived into the digital age.
  21. Yet the tail in Baskerville Old face doesn't extend outside the left side of the body of the oval, which the sample clearly does. And yet, the sample appears to be vertical, while Goudy (as a classic typeface) is oblique slanted. 'Tis a mystery.
  22. SapereAude

    Noto fonts -- what are they?

    @Ralf Herrmann Yes, I should use a font manager. In fact, I have FOUR of them: FontBase, Nexus Font, and High-Logic Main Font (all free), plus the font manager that was bundled with the font collection I bought from SoftMaker. The problem is, NONE of them come with a user manual, so after installing them on my computer I have zero idea how to use them. I have made repeated requests on the SoftMaker support forum for a font manager user manual, and the answer is always, "It's easy! (I've been using it for twenty years, so I know.)"
  23. Spottedfeather

    Quantum Leap Book Chapter Font

    I really think that's it. This is great. Thanks.
  24. MissNobody

    Quantum Leap Book Chapter Font

    It's kind of hard to determine exactly from the image, but the closest I can find is Eurostile.
  25. Spottedfeather

    Quantum Leap Book Chapter Font

    I'm a big Quantum Leap fan and have been reading the books released in the 90s. I really like the font used for the chapter headings and noticed that some of the advertising for the revival show uses the same font or a very similar one. I've looked but can't identify the font. I hope someone here can help. The book I took this picture from was released in 1995.
  26. Ralf Herrmann

    Noto fonts -- what are they?

    Best option would be to install a font manager app to handle activations/deactivations independent from what is done manually in the font folders.
  27. Kevin Thompson

    Noto fonts -- what are they?

    They will continue to reinstall every time you update the software with which they are bundled, unfortunately. Typeface files are relatively small (KB, not MB), so they aren't choking your hard drive. If you find their presence annoying, which is the bigger burden—having to scroll past them in a fonts menu or deleting them every time they get reinstalled?
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