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ePub Recommendations

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I am assembling an eBook at the moment, and I have a problem.

Text faces have never been my forte, and I am not particularly satisfied with any of Adobe's prepackaged solutions for body copy, available with the InDesign suite. I am particularly fond of Poppl Laudatio, because of its narrow stance, large x-height, and subtle serif treatment, but am—for reasons which many may know—disinclined to do business with Berthold in any way, shape or form.

Is there a free or reasonably priced alternative available, which would allow embedding in a wide range of electronic formats?

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Hi Nick,

Open source fonts are your best shot.

You could find your suit among Goodgle fonts : http://fadebiaye.tumblr.com/post/20343762067/goodgle-fonts-google-fonts-... or Velvetyne : http://www.velvetyne.fr.

BTW, are your fonts ePub-friendly? I read your EULA but your licensing is still a bit unclear about that. For the record, your Jeanneret is one of my favourite : http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/nicksfonts/jeanneret-nf/ :-)

Best regards,


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Thanks for the recommendations: I will check them out.

As far as my fonts being ePub friendly: they ought to be, but getting competitive pricing information is difficult if not impossible, thanks to the stranglehold that a certain monopoly player has on the market. Not that it really matters anymore: after months of trying to rescue my marriage in the light of my wife's chronic alcoholism and subsequent Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Syndrome, I have finally given up. Since my entire professional library was developed while we were marriage, by law my wife owns half of all of my Intellectual Property, and she would like to liquidate same. Unfortunately, no one will make a reasonable—or, for that matter, an unreasonable—offer for the entire collection of over one thousand workmanlike fonts.

P.S. Quattrocento is a wonderful family; I will investigate it thoroughly.

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Nick, maybe not being able to liquidate your library is a blessing in disguise?

For whom? Certainly not for my wife…she wants the money. Now.

And, it's all text: I may use one or two of my own fonts for chapter heads…

P.S. I downloaded the latest release of the Quattrocento family and donated $50.00 to Pablo via PayPal. Dude: you rule!

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Thanks: sorry I missed that post. I have the code: how do I get it on dafont—and about a gazillion other sights that have been making money off my freebies for fifteen years?

In the meantime, I will be using the three-day weekend to start unwinding the many lousy distribution deals—with the aid of my kid brother, the attorney—I bought into as a naive newcomer, beginning with Sign DNA and ITC: severability rules. After them, it's on to Bitstream and Ascender...

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You should also set up a donation link on Fontspace. Similar procedure. Just contact them and they will help you out. They're decent people. :)

BTW, are you sure your wife owns 50% of your IP? I find that hard to believe, as your fonts are your personal creations... She may be entitled to 50% of any fortune you've made with your fonts during your marriage, but not the creations themselves. They should always remain yours.

Good luck with recent turn of events in any case... You're in my thoughts...

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So far, no good: dafont keeps promising to send me an email with a new password, but never does. Bummer. I guess I ought to visit the site more often, so I would remember the password...

On another subject, I'm somewhat surprised that Nick Shinn didn't mention his Beaufort typeface. The Regular and Italic would suit my purposes well, and at less than $80 for the pair. OTOH, I'm not sure how ePub use affects the licensing fee…

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Yo, Pablo—

I hate to keep appearing to be a dunce, but this is all I get when I click the "My Account" link…

No account options, no donate link (also no links to "donate" returned with internal search), no nothing. It's almost as if someone didn't want me to post such a link. Naaaah: that's just crazy talk...

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Hi Nick:

This is how my account page looks, there are the links

Get in touch with the webmaster, and tell him that you want to add the donate link to your fonts.
My guess is that the "Upload your own fonts" feature that enables the "Donate Link" feature is quite recent.
I guess your fonts where uploaded manually by the webmaster in the old days, when that feature was not available yet.

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Well, Pablo…

That would explain it. NOBODY except Jason Nolan, formerly of 1001freefonts.com, has EVER asked my permission to post my free fonts on their site, nor have I EVER uploaded them to a site for redistribution. Funny how that works, ain't it?

BTW, are you interested—or do you know someone who might be—in developing a plug-in for websites which specialize in producing customized goods, which would allow these merchants to access an extensive catalog of fonts and graphic images, then offer these fonts and images t0 THEIR customers for 99¢ per font per project, and images for 49¢ each?

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