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You know they were a true "typophile" if.....

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An enchanting thought to some, perhaps; on the other hand, why would there be? Surely, there will be no need for books nor contracts nor billboards nor, indeed, will there be any use whatsoever for the written word.

Mother Nature has done quite well for billions of years without fonts; why would Father Sky be any different? You really ought to take your namesake a bit more seriously, Herr Doktor Professor of Philosophy…

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Actually I was approaching it from the angle of things that are "pleasurable" being given in great abundance in heaven as a basic concept of part of heaven itself is......Fonts give pleasure on earth before death, so even though they would not be "needed" in heaven, the mere fact of their potentiality for "pleasure" would dictate their being offered in heaven in some fashion to give pleasure, even though their "necessity" is not there, their "potential" for pleasure "dictates" that they be there.....If they were not there, then a potential for pleasure would be absent in Heaven.

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I was approaching it from the angle of things that are "pleasurable" being given in great abundance in heaven as a basic concept of part of heaven itself is

But what is pleasurable in heaven is not necessarily the same as what is pleasurable on earth, since what is pleasurable in heaven -- at least in the traditional Christian conception -- will only be those things that are pleasurable to a sanctified being existing in a spiritual state, while that which is pleasurable on earth includes things that are pleasurable to a fallen being existing in a material state. So the real question here is whether fonts constitute a virtuous pleasure or a sinful one.

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Sorry, zeno: you fail again.

Beer has been around a lot longer than fonts. Beer also represents Nature's most perfect food source: bread and water. I recently went on a six-day fast, when all I consumed was Beck's Non-alcoholic beer, period. I found the experience to be beneficial, both physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally…and, sad to say, entirely font-free.

As a result of my recent incarceration (eight days on bread and water alone), I am a few pounds below my optimum weight of 138 pounds, and I get a little loopy if I miss a meal. Still, my mind is sharp, and my new-way-to-distribute-fonts plan is still on track, despite overwhelming reluctance from almost EVERYONE in this forum to take on the Elephant in the Room, evidently for fear of financial ruin, or some other cockamamie, cowardly excuse.

No guts, no glory. I got a few placeholder pages to put together, outlining the grand plan. Hypothetically speaking, Monotype can kiss my ass, or put up some serious cash to shut me up and shut me down. The world of font distribution WILL change; early adopters will reap the biggest rewards. Hrant: this means you.

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