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Corporate font suggestions needed please!

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Hi Typophiles,

I'm currently designing a brand for a corporate client, in the vein of the new Avois or Eurostar brands. It's shiny, fast, car badge-esque etc, but not so much that it shouldn't appeal to a family friendly/female market, and I need suggestions for a corporate font. Criteria includes:

- Must be by a reputable foundry
- Not be overused already (my biggest problem)
- Be fairly recent (in the last 2-4 yrs?)
- Available from MyFonts as a webfont or TypeKit
- Have enough quirks to be used as a header font but also for text (not essential - if its not suitable for text we can specify a second font)
- Contain multiple weights and italics
- Price range is up to about $50-60 AUD
- Stylistically in the vein of Klavika / Clio / Square sans / Rubrik (Newlyn) / FS Joey etc
- If possible with half rounded terminals, i.e., going to a point on one side and not the other. See attached for an example. Again, not essential!

I know this is a lot to ask, but any help would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance guys.

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Well, I know that when I want a cool font, I do not want to deal with riffraff, either. You never know what kind of cooties you can pick up from these disreputable sorts. Pul-leeze.

Generally, I trust Hrant's gut on these subjects…even if he is a cheap bastard,

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Christoph’s Heimat Sans is one of those rare gems that can set your brand apart, if you dare. It’s certainly not overused, but it is an awesome design. Most other "experimental" sans serifs just employ a cheap trick and leave it at that. This on the other hand … It could work especially well if you pair it with one of his other more muted designs (like the prev. poster suggest.)

That said, be careful when selecting fonts for text on the web. The quality varies.

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Andreas, you really buy that many fonts? :-)

BTW, Dalton Maag would not be a bad choice, but there are dozens and dozens of foundries of that caliber (in terms of quality and reputation, if not size). The thing is, 50-60 AUD isn't gonna pay for a custom commission...


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I noticed Meran during ISType. Smeijers was one of the panelists right after my own presentation* and a sort of "cosmic coincidence" occurred: one of things I had suggested was that Turks should consider making fonts with diamond-shaped tittles (in a subtle allusion to their glorious Arabic-script past), and ten minutes later Meran's "i" pops up on the screen! :-)

* http://www.istype.com/?p=776


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@oldnick, so far you've written 3 comments with precisely zero pieces of good advice.

@Andreas, this client definitely does not have to cash for Dalton! Thanks for suggestion though.

@Renko, cheers mate, now using myfonts search terms much more effectively!

@Indra, Meran looks great but maybe a bit blocky...and yes, that is the industry term.

Thanks for all your help people!

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