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iTunes 11.0 and Helvetica

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"Challenging users to really leverage their abilities is not"

Not sure what you mean.

"MS used to be all about money, but look at Bill Gates now"

MS is still all about money.

I guess you're getting at bigger philosophical thoughts in terms of what the roles of corporations should be in society. I imagine I'd probably agree with your stance on most of it.

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Bill Gates retired from daily involvement several years ago and is now heavily involved in charity work. Good for him, but that's his personal actions, not the company's.

Microsoft as a company is still very money-oriented; in fact a frequent criticism of CEO Steve Balmer is that he's been too focused on maintaining their cash cows of Windows and the Office Suite while failing to keep up with the innovations of their competitors. And its not just critics of the company that have said that; some of their strongest supporters have also complained about that.

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1 for Helvetica at small sizes, and 1.5 for Lucida Grande. To me the latter seems unjustifiably smug in its humane-late-modernism, because of the coarseness of, for instance, the way the bowls get away from stems on bpdq. (That's not to accuse the designers of smugness; I'm sure they're not. And my misperception of Lucida Grande is probably rare, but it is fairly intense.)

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The "iTunes" name originally fit the product better when it was just a jukebox music application. But over the years it's grown into a general-purpose media control app, used to shop for and organize all kinds of media (movies, books, apps, tv shows, etc). Also used to control syncing of iPhones or iPads to your computer.

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