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Looking for a solid Textura(?) blackletter typeface

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Hi, I'm in dire need of a solid looking blackletter without many ornateness to it's expression. Perhaps something like this...

And the /G/ must be legible at quick first glace.

And hopefully it's not one of those free ones that I've seen every wheres.

Thanks in advance!


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Thanks for the comment hhp. I have checked around and it does seem that letterpress printer's costs are somewhat challenging. Fortunately business cards are a business expense, and as such part of which can treated as a tax deduction.

Blackletter, when done well, does seem to separate the pretenders from the contenders. There are a lot of well known global brands that have not been seduced by the strumpets of lower case sans serif ...as tempting as they seem at first blush.


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Blackletter rules.

A good letterpress printer can produce pretty much any combination of impression depth and color (sometimes by making two passes). But a good letterpress printer is hard to find/afford - most of them are sensationalist hacks who treat type like a sledgehammer.


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Wow... what a hunt for Matthew Carter's Flamande! I couldn't find the typeface online even though my google savvy is crisp.

So I gave Carter & Cone Type Inc a call, Cone of Carter & Cone is sending over a PDF sometime soon I hope. And I just like say that it was a pleasure speaking with her!!

I have to tell tho that as a graphic designer/creative genius I'm just a tourist amongst you typeheads so I really had no idea who Carter is ...until now. And just looking through everything substantive I could find online about the man ...wow... this guy is awesome!!



ps. not saying that the sale is a done deal, I've got my standards too, somewhat...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just a shout out to say >>> thanks <<< to J.A.M. of Alter Littera.

José was kind enough to send over some characters from one of his textura faces that is still deep in development. And if that's not coolio enough, he has allowed me the latitude I might need to play.

I'm now that much closer ...I think.

BTW, I found nice book (rather pages there of) on Google about blackletter...


...in particular a bit about distinct national differences between French, German and Dutch textura (pgs42-45).


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Thanks for the linkages!

Today I received card stock samples and I've decided to go with the 220 lbs (600 gsm) Lettra Fluorescent White.

Now with the card stock in hand I can push forward my business card design, ya! It will have three components to it. One side letter pressed with, Graphic Declaration, rendered in textura blackletter. The other side will have a quick services mention and contact info, rendered in sans serif which I'm considering hand stamping. And the card stock edges will be painted either neon green, or red, or black.

Thanks again for all the assistance.


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