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Looking for these bold sans serifs from a German newspaper advertisement (Kirstein-Larisch)

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Hi folks!

I am looking for these sans serif typefaces from a German newspaper advertisement.

At first glance I thought the running text should be something obvious like Univers Condensed, but then I had a closer look at the "g" and the "e" and the "R" etc. and one by one all the usual suspects had to be cancelled from my list ...

The advertisement probably runs unchanged since many years, so it may well be a font from some time ago. And my guess is that it was designed by a newspaper typesetter with whatever fonts were available for those small advertisements they had to do regularly.

The headline is a different animal. Akzidenz Grotesk (fett/bold) is pretty close. The round dots on the U-Umlaut are probably added "by hand".

I’m looking forward to hearing your suggestions. Many thanks in advance! 




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Oh, I forgot to mention the last line with the address: That seems to be yet another font! The "R"’s leg is very short, the "e" has almost inverted proportions to the "e" in the running text. What a mix! Ideally I would be able to recreate this strange, unique mix of fonts with digitally available fonts, be them PostScript Type 1 or not ...

Cheers, G* 

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Printed all the time, no PDF available.

Yes, the small size of the specimen is really challenging, but I could see enough characteristic details to rule out quite many fonts. Maybe there are also enough details visible that hint on the matching fonts?

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One of the striking features of the running text are the commas that seem to be not composed of a rectangle and a stroke, but to be one bent stroke. Then there’s that "1" without a foot and the "g" with the open, almost horizontal lower storey …

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