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UPS Redesign

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Good points Randy and M.

I have no idea about the legalities behind the color, if any.
But, you can see how their desire to seem like a government
agency played out in almost everything -- brown, the
shield, the name. United Parcel Service (UPS) is very similar
to their closest competition at that time, the United States
Postal Service (USPS).

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Randy said: Of course I'm playing devil's advocate here. But in my opinoin, it could be a lot worse (Verizon).

Funny, FutureBrand claims fame to the Verizon logo.

I think the bow and parcel concept and its reason to change, being "outdated" is retarded. The string, bow and parcel weren't used in the first place because Rand or UPS beleived that's the way they delivered packages. Its because its a "gift" and relates to the emotional level of receiving a delivery. Saying it was outdated to logistics is like re-designing Col. Saunders head shot with a business suit and tie, giving him plastic surgery because he looks old. Its all irrelevant, and ignores their corporate values.

(cleaned my cookies, lazy - going anon, but its me Tanya)

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The Verizon logo really is the worst. And you can't get away from it. The throw-away attitude about design among major U.S. companies like UPS and Verizon is such a dramatic contrast with the Netherlands, where it seems like every square inch of the country has been well thought out and artfully designed. (Not to slight any other Euros, it's one of the few European countries I've visited.) Payphones, grocery stores, public toilets, sidewalks... they're all beautiful in their attention to detail and their functionality. That was my impression, anyway.

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At least the Verizon logo replaced the awful Bell Atlantic
logo--too bad two wrongs don't make a right.

On a recent trip to Berlin my host was showing me all these
great architectural/historical sites and laughing at me
as I only photographed the logo and type sample we came

An American design tourist... that must be a sight. I did
leave my Mickey ears and hawaiin shirt at home though.

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