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Gg - Fonts with a cool G/g letterform

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This topic was imported from the Typophile platform

I'm going to open a can-o-worms here. I think the letter 'g' is one of the few characters that really stand out in a type face. There are a multitude of ways it can be crafted. With so many fonts out there, I look at a few letters -- the lowercase g in particular.

This is how I propose the thread will work. I'm not here to militarize things... just some friend standardization.
1. Go to a font site (I prefer http://www.fontshop.com/ because you can link to samples)
2. Find your font
3. Post a link to it (if possible to the sample) along with the font name.

For example:

Natalie Script OT

You can also post an image. Let's see your G-sus.

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I should have been visiting my thread more. This is actually the first thread I've ever started here. Definitely bend the rules... can't have the good without the bad.

@Nick: I like Digitalis - it's got character. Nubian is something I would use daily if I had license to it. ;)

@Grant: I'm not sure if the font in "Meet the g-friends" is Opentype... if it is that's hot. I have a set of Zapfino and keep going through the alternates when typesetting.

@Bald: I agree, the Trebuchet g is quite basic. I think the more a font is used, the more it gets abused. The more it gets abused, the more you want it disposed. Comic Sans anyone?

Here's something I came across today:

I don't like how it flattens out at the bottom of the character. It's not noticeable at lower sizes.

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