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Can Walbaum be used successfully as body text?

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I've been looking to try out walbaum in an editorial project for some time but still am unsure of its suitability as body copy? I usually go for the safer options of minion pro, sabon or caslon but have been meaning to try out this beautiful typeface. For arguments sake the type size would range from 8pt to 12pt. I hope someone can give me good advice, thanks.

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As with all fonts of this type it should by used in fairly large sizes, with a lot of leading (although some cuts of Walbaum are a bit coarser than the original, with less contrast & these are less in need of this). 12 Points may be too small, in my opinion.

Some of the details may be too quirky for the average reader to appreciate (viz k, g, K, R, etc.).

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Which Walbaum are you talking about? There are two general strains out in the marketplace. One is based on Walbaum's text faces; the other is based on display sizes.

I've seen the text version used in books, to fine effect, on a couple of occasions.

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It's fine as long as you use metal. Otherwise, for offset printing, it's just one more classical font gefuched first by photocomp drawings & then PostScript digitization. In other words, it badly needs redrawing for current printing technologies, save perhaps for print-on-demand books -- I'm no expert on how those inks appear on paper.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As originally developed, didones were size-specific (as indeed were all styles at the time), and that is the key to their sophistication: their delicacy is fine-tuned to each size, with purposefully small leeway for error in printing. If that takes higher quality, more time-consuming press-work, it may indeed be expensive and hence upscale, bourgeois and aristocratic, but fine printing is not per se class-specific, it is the direction in which technology marches..

If anything, didones were over-sophisticated, as remarked by Richard Austin in his Imperial Foundry specimen of 1819:

“The modern ... printing type at present in use was introduced by the French, about twenty years ago: the old shaped letters being capable of some improvement, it was judged expedient to re-model the alphabet to render them more agreeable to the improved state of printing…”

He went on to address the issue of fragility:

“…for how can it be expected that types cut nearly as thin as the edge of a razor can retain their form for any reasonable length of time, either to produce good work, or remunerate the Printer for his labour?

“The hair lines being now below the surface of the main strokes of the letters, the Printer, in order to get an impression of all parts of the face, is obliged to use a softer backing, and additional pressure. This … militates against all good printing; for in forcing the paper down to meet the depressed part of the face, it at the same time takes off the impression of part of the sides, as is evident from the ragged appearance of printing from such types.”

Surely the difficulty in printing such types properly, and the complexity of their construction (with varying height of different glyph parts, according to their degree of delicacy) constitutes a sophisticated, i.e. complex, design?

The didone style was developed for fine letterpress typography, and subsequently adapted for more general job work and other technologies, in which it does not sit quite so easily. It’s difficult to work with, but not impossible. No risk, no reward.

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It only needs to be legible enough to be read within the constraints of the project at hand. Every use of a typeface is not a roadway sign. Type is a tool. We use different tools for different jobs. Any tool can be used very badly. If you give me the worlds best scalpel and ask me to perform brain surgery on you, you won't live long enough to fire me or even complain to anyone about how badI am at operating.

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Nick, bourgeois and aristocratic are not the same; the former is all pretense. And just because something is more difficult to work with does not make it more functional. The other thing -which Bert alludes to- is that style is appreciable in proportion to size; a Didone is less of a Didone the smaller you get, and below a certain threshold is not a Didone at all.

Héctor: Of course. In fact there's no such thing as "highest possible legibility". But a designer needs to know what he's breaking, how and why. For example in Patria I've made the "s" (among other glyphs) too wide in terms of what I think is optimal readability, but I did so to promote a certain style. That's not the same saying "I made it wide coz I like it and that's all that matters."



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