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Hey Everyone, Looking for this futuristic front, almost alien-looking font associated with Warrior Krav Maga

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Hey Everyone,

Looking for this futuristic front, almost alien-looking font associated with Warrior Krav Maga user of the font – in this case, https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=594167539483029&set=a.316040097295776 the image is located there.

I will give as much background information as I can. For example:

Warrior Martial Arts- Jacksonville, Florida

It’s from the company’s Headquarters Facebook website which can be found at this link: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.316040097295776&type=3)

I will try to explain, what exactly I am looking for. I am looking for the font name where there is a Person in the shape of a Capital W in neon green and the font name for the Warrior word that comes after the Person in a capital W. I really would like the font name, it is a futuristic-looking front, almost alien-like font and I’m not sure how old this font is or when it was created.

looking for a digital version. Commercial fonts are fine.

Where to locate it and purchase it if possible. 

I need a free alternative if possible.


Thanks for any and all help provided,


Warrior Krav Maga.png

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