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To LIG or not to LIG?

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What ligatures are you talking about? Generally I would use fi, fl, ffi and ffl, if available, but for me many other ligatures (st, ct for example) are far better kept as options, certainly they have a place in some setting.


Alessandro :)

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Regarding Sii's comment that OpenType fonts are "better"
because ligatures are placed automatically.

Fonts are inert objects. Ligatures are placed by applications
that use fonts. The only responsibility of a font is to
store enough information so that applications can work
with ligatures. Type 1 and truetype fonts can both store
ligatures. In the AFM files of type 1 fonts, one can store
additional information that may help applications with
automatic ligature subsitution and placement of ligatures
on the page. The famous GPOS and GSUB tables in OpenType
can be introduced in truetype fonts as well--there is nothing
that ties these tables umbilically to OpenType.

So, how exactly are OpenType fonts better?

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> InDesign and better fonts

Luc, nice to see you here again. You may have missed my point, I said InDesign and OpenType fonts provide an automatic solution. By better fonts I meant OpenType fonts with more ligatures (mapped using GSUB) than your typical Type 1 font. As opposed to same OpenType fonts with the same number of ligs as your typical Type 1 font.

Theoretically someone could write a page layout app that would do a good job with sets of Type 1 or regular TrueType fonts (perhaps referencing an online database mapping the expert sets in some kind of virtual GSUB). But is seems like an awful lot of work when OpenType provides all the information an app needs.

Cheers, Si

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Hi Dan-- Wie gehts?

You are right that GPOS and GSUB are typical tables in
TrueType flavored OpenType fonts. But they can be found
in many blue-blooded TrueType fonts as well. These are
mostly for Arabic scripts where positioning and replacement
are crucial.

Thanks to google's capability of opening binary files such
as TrueType files, you can find examples of such fonts by
a simple search such as
filetype:ttf GSUB

I do not wish to hijack this thread though.

All the best and see you soon,


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From InDesign CS2 Help System:


InDesign can automatically insert ligatures, which are typographic replacement characters for certain letter pairs, such as “fi” and “fl,” when they are available in a given font. The characters that InDesign uses when the Ligature option is selected appear and print as ligatures, but are fully editable, and do not cause the spell checker to flag a word erroneously.

    Discretionary Ligatures

Discretionary Ligatures Font designers may include optional ligatures [i.e. – “ct”, “st”, “sp”] that should not be turned on in all circumstances. Selecting this option allows these additional optional ligatures to be used, if they are present.

© 2005® Adobe® Systems® Incorporated®. All® rights® reserved®.

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