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Seeking the names of two fonts used on a science fiction book cover (Voidbound)

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Hello, I’m looking to identify two fonts used by a designer on the cover of one of my science fiction books in 2019. The fonts I’m seeking are (1) in blue at the top of the cover, “Mack Leonard” and (2) in white in the lower third, “Voidbound.” I decided to move on from the designer but he wouldn’t share the font names with me, unfortunately. I really want the rest of the series to remain typographically consistent, so I’m hoping to find these fonts either for free or commercial use. Thanks for your assistance! 


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MACK LEONARD appears to be an older version of House Gothic Light. The typeface was revised some years ago and is now known as House Gothic 23, but the new version won’t be a match to your sample.

At first I thought VOIDBOUND was another 1990s-era typeface, PF Transport Bold, by Parachute Fonts (also no longer sold commercially). But Houshka Bold seems a likelier candidate, given the type below the title.

AN ALL TIME QUICK READ is Houschka Demi Bold, and because other type nerds on this board might want to know, ALL TIME at the top is Copperplate.

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