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Client request: "eliminate all hyphens" in newsletter

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It’s like going to the dentist and telling him what and how to do it. Seems realistic? Not really.

But unfortunately there are many people out there that they think they can outsmart the dentist. Of course they’re the ones that end up with “worst teeth”.

Apologies to everyone for taking this Off-topic.

Litera - I learnt from a wonderful GP in New York to question every doctor I go/speak to. I'm glad I do it -- sometimes without thinking. 30 years ago, I went to a dentist on an emergency. He said I needed 2 root canals (because he didn't know which tooth was bothering me, and it wasn't clear on the x-rays). I said thank you, but no thanks. Took something to deaden the pain -- and drove home. The next morning I saw my own dentist. Well, a small bit of food had gone below gumline and was irritating a tooth. He removed it with a good cleaning, and I've never needed the root canals.

So yes, some of us do speak to the dentist - and know to get a second opinion.

Now you can go back on-topic. I am sorry, but I couldn't let that statement sit there like it's correct. All doctors are human beings - and they do make very human errors. There are no gods among MDs or DDSs -- and one needs to know, not just to ask questions - but which questions. Honestly, I didn't want to help put that other dentist's kids through college.

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