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space after asterisk in a footnote?

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But certainly some sort of space is gonna work better in the long run than none at all. Consider whether any of the notes will run to more than one line: are you going to do a hanging indent? If yes, that would support the space. Might there ever be two footnotes on one page? Asterisk & dagger aren't necessarily going to have the same width so some tab-based space would then make sense to line up the text of both notes. If you were doing numbered footnotes, they'd certainly have a space!
Ever since I chose to block pop-ups, my toaster's stopped working.

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> Might there ever be two footnotes on one page?

I've done scholarly notes, with up to 20 on a page (at worst). Those would be numbered notes, however.

For symbol notes, there is a progression of about six symbols (asterisk, dagger, double dagger, section mark, paragraph mark ... ??? my mind is foggy, perhaps someone else will clarify.) I believe the rule is that if you pass the six, you start to double asterisk, etc. (But over six notes on a page and you really should be using numbered notes. )

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