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  • Reading Letters


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    Sofie Beier from Denmark holds a PhD from the Royal College of Art in London. Her research focuses on typeface legibility, aiming at a better understanding of how different typefaces and letter shapes can influence the reading process. Her book “Reading Letters—designing for legibility” tries to bridge the gap between scientific research and applied graphic and type design.

    The purpose of the book is to support type designers in creating legible typefaces and help graphic designers to determine the optimal typeface for a given project. But the book doesn’t work like a “manual”. It does not list the most legible typefaces or will tell you settings for font-sizes, line-heights and so on. It’s all about understanding the principles of legibility. Definitive answers about the fundamental parameters of legibility are yet to be found and Sofie Beier was certainly well advised, not to speculate too much in this book. But still, even though this book cannot answer every question about legibility — if you are interested in legibility research from a typographic point of view, this is a book worth reading. 

    ❝Designing for Legibility❞
    by: Sofie Beier
    Publisher: BIS Publishers
    ISBN: 978-9063692711
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