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A P ligature needed

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I want to transcribe exactly what the news clip says, but it includes a ligature of A and P for Associated Press. I tried & A P lig; but it doesn't work like &A E lig; makes Æ



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Kevin Thompson

In 1933, this newspaper was printed using metal type—the AP ligature is actually a custom slug only used to identify stories from the Associate Press. It is not a ligature you are likely to find in a modern digital typeface.

A whole range of special symbols could be bought (at various point sizes), and they were referred to generally as "typographic accessories."  A subcategory called "Arbitrary Signs and Miscellaneous Auxiliaries" would include mathematical, nautical, medical, astronomical and other symbols. Company or product logos were another subset called "Adcuts" and—depending on how detailed they were—could be cast at body copy sizes.

The AP graphic would have to be redrawn as a graphic and embedded inline with the text if you want to recreate the look.

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Thanks. I guess I won't find an HTML code for it, then. I'll have to settle for AP.

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Bjørn Edvard Torbo

If you’re planning to do a lot of this, it may be worthwhile to go through the trouble of making a custom ligature in Adobe Illustrator and use the FontSelf plugin ($50) to create a custom font with that ligature included. 

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