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Type Out of Context? Lucky Charms.

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EEK! it looks so weird! In canada every package is bilingual english/french.

Y'know, our packages are cleaner than that too...

Something I noticed walking through American grocery stores is that, even thought they only had 1 language to deal with, they english-only packaging was WAY more crowded and busy than our Canadian bilingual packagine (and I'm also not a fan of american typography, much more 'novelty' than 'style' for my taste.

The only clean and legible packages in the US were multi-national copmanies, whose designers would have had to design multi-lingual packaging in other countries (canada, europe) like Kraft, Knorr and others like that.

I wonder, is our bilingual packaging in Canada busier and more loaded down than European Multi-lingual packaging? I know one of the impediments here are the 'equal representation laws' that require english and french to have (often times) equal point sizes, even though the french runs 20% longer on average.

It might be nice to have predominantly english or predominantly french packaging, with some bilingual elements.

Sorry about this whole thing, it's just so foreign *not* to see le french

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