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Introducing, "The TypePolice" :-)

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Ha, thats funny Chris! About two years ago I bought the domain typografipolisen.se, which is exactly that – TypePolice – in swedish. Don't know what to do with it quite yet, but perhaps one day I will figure it out. At first I wanted to blog about those poor logos and conceptual typefaces without any optical corrections at all in them (often made by art directors, not letter drawerers), but in the end I didnt want to be that person who points out errors in other peoples work, so I gave it up ;-)

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I once had the honor, if that's the right word, to serve as the treasurer of the Society of Printers in Boston. Apart from maintaining the inventory of the bar, the treasurer's principal duty was to distribute a printed report of the Society's finances after dinner at the Annual Meeting.
When dinner was done, the members launched into the traditional critique of the Treasurer's Report. Mind you, no one paid a bit of attention to what it said about money. But woe to the treasurer whose column heads weren't centered properly, or whose kerning was imperfect. It was truly a case of Type Police Brutality.

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"I didnt want to be that person who points out errors in other peoples work, so I gave it up"

I don't blame you. It is like being a professional bitcher. I was looking at this as a humorous way to take a gentle poke without being taken too seriously.


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