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Objects indicative of American culture.

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Not necessarily in the historical context...more like objects we use daily that are indicative of our culture, lifestyle, etc.

Fast food (McD, wendys, burger king, pizza, etc)
iPod (not necessarily indicative of just US culture, but more generational)
Harley Davidson
Baseball hats

What else? Would love input from someone who is American, as well as any outside perspective on American culture from the international Typophile contingent.

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I know that my friend from Ecuador says that Coca Cola represents American values in Ecuador. To him, it's the same as our perception of Walmart.

My friend from Myanmar says, "I like Coke. No like Pepsi." Of course, if I give him a cup of Pepsi and tell him it's Coke, he loves it :) That's what I call branding.

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Being European, but having spent a good year in the US*, I spontaneously think of [this is a very unordered list]:

Cream Soda, Root Beer, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (yum), oversized servings of ice cream – actually oversized everything (like cars and trucks, or people).

Total consumerism.
The constant promise (and expectation) of instant gratification.
Loads of avoidable trash, like heaps of plastic bags at the supermarket.

Simple interfaces, like washing machines that have "hot", "warm", and "cold";
over here you might just need that 50-page manual to operate a washing machine.

A (perceived) strange contrast between a general self-image of total individual independence and a somewhat lemming-like social behavior (like everywhere else, but at least seeming exaggerated).

* My impressions are from uh, 7–8 years ago, and I bet some things have changed.
I haven't been back since, sadly.

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Oh, James, not in a good mood, I see.
My Czech forefathers had such good tucker and such fantastic beer that they never bothered to sort out their politics. So, the Austrians, then the Germans and then the Soviets had to do it for them. Baaad idea!

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things i "object" to about america:

1. lite beer.
2. reagan elected president. twice. landslide both times.
3. biggest selling newspaper = the national enquirer.
4. bush junior elected president. twice. stole it both times.

that's probably all you need to know.


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cerulean said:
> White socks are apparently uniquely American,
> or at least North American. It’s something
> we don’t think too much about, but anyone else
> in the world can spot us a mile away by it.

it's true.

especially when plaid shorts show off
those white socks to such good effect!


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