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  • 10 months later...

The "If you can't beat them, buy them out" policy which has been so successful with the banking industry and airline industry seems to be also working quite well to keep the type industry equally healthy.

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William Berkson

Looks to me like we now have three categories of foundries: 1. the non-designer owned foundries—now only one; 2. The foundries associated with primarily non-type companies—Adobe, Microsoft; 3. Designer-owned foundries.

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>Pretty soon, my mortgage, my bank, my airline, and my type will all belong to the same company :-/

The United States Federal Government? Don't forget your auto-maker.

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After giving this a lot of thought, I think the only way to move forward is for type designers to unionize. The problem will be getting all the dead type designers to join. I think the Mormons may have worked out a solution for that but I'm not entirely sure.

Comrades, are you with me? ;-)

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So $50 million for Bitstream, really MyFonts. Given the multiples that these sales usually work on, that means MyFonts is generating around $13 million a year. The real question, is who is going to buy this Monotype/Agfa/Linotype/ITC/Ascender/Bitstream amalgamation?

It is all venture capital so I can't imagine it will stay in current hands for long. They are interested in making money, not licensing type.

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