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The Typography.Guru Forums

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Found 4 results

  1. ¶ The Typophile forum is still on stand by. It reads: "Typophile is migrating to a new system. We'll be back soon." ¶ It's been a long time now. Seems like ages. ¶ Any news? Any date of re-opening? ••• Thanks.
  2. Typography.Guru is an online community around the field of typography. In contrast to Typedrawers and Typophile, the site doesn’t just revolve around a forum, but is meant to also collection information and knowledge around the field in dedicated categories like Journal (typography articles), Directory, Videos, Quotes and so on. The site is published by Ralf Herrmann and went online in February 2015. It was largely modelled after Herrmann’s German typography site Typografie.info, which is running since 2001.
  3. Typedrawers.com is an internet forum around the field of typography and type design. The forum was started in 2012 by type designer James Puckett, who ran it until 2014. The site was deliberately set up to work differently than the long-running Typophile.com. Typedrawers requires accounts with real names to “encourages thoughtful, mature discourse” and doesn’t accept Font ID requests. The categories on Typedrawers are Type Design, Lettering & Calligraphy, and Typography, but the majority of topics revolve around type design.
  4. Typophile.com was an internet forum dedicated to the discussion of type and typography and the associated software, tools and design practices. The forum was created by Jared Benson in 2000 and was operated by San Francisco design studio, Punchcut, a firm Benson co-founded in 2002.
Wayfinding Sans Symbols: the pictogram font for signs
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