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Excellent but seldom used fonts

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I'm sure we all have certain typefaces we know are really brilliant but somehow they never seem to get the exposure or publicity the rightfully deserve as examples of great type design.

One of those for me is ITC Mendoza. I very rarely see it but it seems to me that it's a really lovely typeface.

Anyone else knows fonts like this?

(granted, this is all personal opinion)


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Dunwich Type

Vialog and Aptifer are probably some of the best stuff to hit the Linotype line in recent years, and nobody uses them. I find this particularly surprising in the case of Aptifer, because it has a killer range of slab weights that I expected to be a big with the recent revival of slab type.

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Simon Robertson

@hashimpm - my girlfriend recently read Shopaholic and Sister (UK edition i think) which surprised me when i flicked through it as it was set in melior.

which at first i was happy about cause i love melior, but for some reason i really didn't like it in that book... i think it was too loose and light.


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Also Indigo, PTL Speech, anything Maniakers, Arrus, Sirenne, Fleischman from Bitstream, Kennedy from Galapagos, anything Pampatype, Lazurski, anything Anatoletype, Nevia BT Pro from Bitstream, Gilgamesh, Iowan Old Style, Really by Gary Munch.... and Prado from Berthold Types

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Dan Petter

when i read this thread's title, the type nerd living inside my head screamed ITC Mendoza, and, slightly less exited, Silica. how late can you be to join a party...

luckily, there's more. i've yet to encounter Bodoni Egyptian in use, and i'd love to see ARS Maquette printed somewhere other than FontShops own promotional material. (if single weights were available, i might even take matters in my own hands.)

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Mendoza is a fantastic typeface. Its low contrast makes it great to set type in small sizes.
I actually found I owned a license (bundled with some old software, I don't recall if it was Freehand), and I hope some day I will have the opportunity to use it…

I do not have a similar feeling for recent faces, besides it seems there are so many gems to de discovered among 1980s designs (which went overlooked because of the frenzy of the digital avant-gardes, pursuing more display-oriented letters).

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Manlio Napoli

>> I have yet to see a book set in Clifford.

> I have a beautiful example I’ll have to post on Typo someday.

Please, do it soon.

Is there any OT Pro version of ITC Mendoza with CE diacritical marks, etc?

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