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Typography jokes

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...


This is not strictly a type story or even a joke, but it did happened while type was being stripped into a paste-up.

the layout artist cut his finger. Very badly with the Xacto Knife.

The hovering art director was very fortunately able to jump in and deftly snatch the art boards away before the bleeding artist got blood all over them.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Well, this is not a joke. It actually happend but it's funny and it envolves a font...

A close friend of mine is a type designer (we will be refering to him as Al) met a nice girl at a party and started going out with her. She told him that she was moving to another city in a week so they shouldn't fall in love. He agreed.

A few days before she leaves I ran into Al and asked him how he was. I know he is the kind of guy who easily falls in love. He told me he was ok, that he is well aware of the girl's situation and that he is not in love with her.

Two days after she left Al showed me a new font he was working on.

I said to him: "Al, you are such a liar! I told you, she told you and everybody told you not to fall in love with her!!"

"But I'm not in loved!" he replied.

To what I said: "Al, you named your font after her..."

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