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  1. Today
  2. Spottedfeather

    Quantum Leap Book Chapter Font

    I really think that's it. This is great. Thanks.
  3. Ralf Herrmann

    Noto fonts -- what are they?

    Best option would be to install a font manager app to handle activations/deactivations independent from what is done manually in the font folders.
  4. Sorts Mill Goudy vs. the sample: In 1984 this would have been a phototypesetting font, and while I've yet to find a digital version of Baskerville that is a close match, the Q, a, and g point in that general direction. You have to take into account the low quality of the sample and the effect of ink spread on the paper, but the tail on Goudy's Q (plus it's poor match on other letters) rule it out.
  5. Yesterday
  6. I am looking to identify the font used in this decal, specifically the 400EX portion of it (I already have the Honda font). Thanks in advance for your assistance. https://www.ebay.ca/itm/334804487905?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=706-89093-2056-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=334804487905&targetid=1656417413430&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=9047918&poi=&campaignid=17297476241&mkgroupid=135489415143&rlsatarget=pla-1656417413430&abcId=9300870&merchantid=591716756&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD00iICRYn9d1gkoUMbBl2UtGsTKj
  7. Last week
  8. Bjørn Edvard Torbo

    What font is used in this forum?

    Yes, that’s it. I just did a qualified guess based on what I saw in my Norwegian version of Safari.
  9. Amazing. thank you all so much!! 'Clifton' is a beautful font! Nice one @Kevin Thompson🙂
  10. Bjørn Edvard Torbo

    Fontstand—a new way of font licensing

    I am basically sympathetic to the concept, but boy do they need some high impact headliners on their poster. One true flagship per category (Questa, Graphik, Bree Serif, Drone and Nitti) is not enough. We need to see true heavy hitters like real Garamonds, Frutigers, Futuras, Bodonis, Baskervilles, Caslons, Goudys, , Universes, Gills, Helveticas, DINs and so forth. As it is, this looks very much like a collection of replacement fonts. Imagine having House Industries on board and not getting Neutraface or Eames. That just makes no sense.
  11. Bjørn Edvard Torbo

    Which Typeface Software Manager for Mac OS?

    1 upvote for Typeface 3 from me.
  12. Do you have more samples? With the resolution of this image it’s impossible to identify the font. Or to put it another way: any common sans-serif design will match that if it’s typeset so small or in such a low resolution. You could just use a system font like Helvetica or something like DIN or Bahnschrift for a more geometric feel.
  13. SapereAude

    Font identification sites

    Fantastic! Many, many thanks. This will save me a TON of work!
  14. Earlier
  15. Bjørn Edvard Torbo

    Font from LE REX in Nogent-le-Rotrou (France)'s logo.

    What’s strange though, is that in your first sample, the E in CINÉMA isn’t rounded like in REX and the text below it. The rounded E looks more like it belongs in Exo 2.0 or thereabouts.
  16. Sorry, but so little detail is visible in your sample as to make it pretty much useless to font matching software programs. It's a semi-slab typeface, at least, but that's not a lot to go on. Do you know the name of the restaurant? Better images may be available elsewhere on the 'net.
  17. MissNobody

    Looking for font used in Capelouto pest control logo please

    I agree with Kevin, I've unwrapped the perspective, and it looks wrong (inverse perspective than it should be): Even if you correct for the scaling: So somebody created it already as-is, with false perspective. That would suggest lettering rather than type.
  18. IceWine

    Font found on a wedding shot glass in an online shop.

    FYI, I have identified the script font which I determined to be "Edwardian Script." Thanks for the help!
  19. Powermix

    Looking for this font used in Looka

    Thanks a lot MissNobody !!
  20. Mads B

    Font used for a clothing designer's logo around 2006-2007

    You're absolutely right, @Kevin Thompson! Only, she must have messed around with it somehow to give it that bubbly/wavy look. Thank you so much for your expert support!
  21. Juan

    Looking for the font used by Ficheraz on a instagram post

    Thank you very much, that's exactly it !
  22. Ed S

    UK DBT 'Great Britain & Northern Ireland' typeface

    Hi Thank you so much for your help. As you say, I think it's Euclid Flex, but with Euclid Circular B for the G and the ampersand. Thank you so much for looking into this.
  23. Watchman is a digital revival of Vogue (Farmer, c. 1896). Called Hogarth by Stephenson Blake. See sample here (Vogue) and here (Hogarth).
  24. Bjørn Edvard Torbo

    Looking for fonts shown on my school’s poster

    I normally use a MacBook Pro M1 with a 15” retina screen, but when I’m away from it, an iPhone 13 Pro. I use glasses/contacts too, since I was 8. 😉👍
  25. Kpm305

    Looking for font on this Etsy wedding sign

    THANK YOU!!!
  26. MissNobody

    Help!!! Font Estrutura V2

    Can't find anything. I would try what Kevin suggested. Unless Marcos Buccini is already the author you've contacted. I've tried a different approach, searching for a Brazilian type designer, that has a similar style. I only found Eduardo Recife. Seems like he enjoys similar "Misprinted Type" style. If it's not Marcos Buccini or Eduardo Recife, it might be a good idea to post any information, from the book, you have. Like original author you've contacted, year when the font was created, or basically any information that is not shown on the picture you posted.
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